Chemical and Dyes Industry

Know more about Minimum wages of Chemical And Dyes Industry workers in Pakistan. Get information on Minimum wages of workers of chemical and dyes industries in Pakistan at

Minimum Wages For Punjab w.e.f 2011


Scheduled EmploymentCategory of workersMinimum wages per dayMinimum wages per month
per day for 8 working hoursper month for 26 working days
Chemical and Dyes Industry Supervisory Wages left tor mutual bargaining between the employers and workers
Ministerial-A 324 8424
Ministerial-B 304.19 7909
Ministerial-C 292.5 7605
Highly Skilled 321.31 8354
Skilled-A 304.19 7909
Skilled -B 297 7722
Semi-Skilled-A 279 7254
Semi-Skilled-B 274.5 7137
Unskilled 269.23 7000


Source: Labour & Human Resource Department, Government of Punjab

Minimum Wage Information of Pakistan Last Updated by WageIndicator Team in December 2011.
